Roles & Responsbility

Roles Organization Name Type Category Start Date End Date
Communications Officer
Communications officers work in an NGO’s marketing, brand awareness, and public relations division. They focus on communicating the NGO’s vision, goals, programs, and how people can get involved. Communications officers are typically spokespeople for an NGO, but they’re also responsible for maintaining a database of media contacts; creating content like social media posts, blogs, and press releases; and managing the communication budget.
testtemple Temples Archeological Temples 6 Jun, 2025 -
Communications Officer
Communications officers work in an NGO’s marketing, brand awareness, and public relations division. They focus on communicating the NGO’s vision, goals, programs, and how people can get involved. Communications officers are typically spokespeople for an NGO, but they’re also responsible for maintaining a database of media contacts; creating content like social media posts, blogs, and press releases; and managing the communication budget.
Temple test200 Temples Big Temples 1 May, 2026 1 May, 2028
Fundraising coordinator
A fundraising coordinator oversees the fundraising activities of a charity. They raise money through donations, sponsorships and other means. They oversee campaigns that aim to raise awareness of the organisation's mission and goals. Fundraising coordinators have excellent communication skills and the ability to work well with others. It's also important that they're able to communicate their message to potential donors clearly whilst understanding what motivates them. Volunteer coordinators manage their time wisely so that they're able to meet deadlines while still completing other important tasks.
1 May, 2024 Present
Fundraising coordinator
A fundraising coordinator oversees the fundraising activities of a charity. They raise money through donations, sponsorships and other means. They oversee campaigns that aim to raise awareness of the organisation's mission and goals. Fundraising coordinators have excellent communication skills and the ability to work well with others. It's also important that they're able to communicate their message to potential donors clearly whilst understanding what motivates them. Volunteer coordinators manage their time wisely so that they're able to meet deadlines while still completing other important tasks.
temple testing178 Temples Archeological Temples 1 May, 2024 Present