Retain and expand your customer base by using myCred.

Built-in Addon

Optimization Options
Use two different features to display charts on your page – Animation or Bezler Curves.

Assign Colors to Values
Assign colors of your choice to positive or negative values.

Point History Chart
Create charts that display the average point gain on your site for x number of days/weeks/months/years.

Point Circulation Chart
Display charts based on the number of points that currently exists amongst your users for each point type.

Point Gain/Loss Chart
Display charts based on the number of points given to users versus the ones taken.

Top Instances List
Display a list of the most common ways your users gain points on your site based on references.

Instances History Chart
Display a chart based on the total amount of points your users have gained/lost on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis.

Balance History Chart
Display chart based on the total amount of points a specific user has gained/lost on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis.