Mala Ganguly is a revered performer of Indian music both classical and modern, and her songs have entered the American mainstream. She has sung in movies like “Mission Impossible 4 “, “The Christmas Box”, “Big Bang Theory “, “Eat, Pray, Love”, and “The Most Fearless”, as well as commercials for Nike. She is especially appreciated for her sweet timbre, flexibility, spontaneous complex vocal improvisation, and technical virtuosity.
She will be accompanied by both her own harmonium and two musicians: Indian flute virtuoso Radha Prasad and tabla player Jyoti Prakas. Radha Prasad studied for 18 years with teacher Pandit Hariprasad Chaurais, the foremost flutist in India, and became an expert on the bamboo flute. He has toured extensively in India, Europe, and the USA, and is renowned as both a performer and a craftsman who makes his own flutes. Jyoti Prakas began his musical journey with his father Sri Nagendranath Mistri and later on became a disciple of Pandit Abhijit Banerjee, one of the renowned Tabla artists from India. He has toured and performed with acclaimed maestros of Indian music, has been accompanying Mala Ganguly since 2004, and played tabla at the Emmy ceremony in 2005.
Mala will also be performing another show on July 23rd that will highlight modern music, at which she will be accompanied by saxophonist Chuck Manning and multi-instrumentalist Rishi Thakar.
During the pandemic Mala explored painting using traditional Indian motifs, and this concert will open a show of her work. The neighboring Gallery at 741 will have a show of George Woytovich’s photographs of India.
This show will be available both live and livestreamed using our four-camera system. The livestream may be watched by purchasers for two weeks after the event, so even if you can’t watch it live, you can experience the performance.