
Retain and expand your customer base by using myCred.

Built-in Addon

This built-in add-on allows you to create badges as a visual token of achievement and award them to your users based on their point history. Once set up, these badges can be sent automatically every time a user gains or loses points.

While ranks are based on a user’s balance, badges are based on a user’s points history and can be awarded for multiple reasons, like the number of times a user has gained points from approved comments or the total amount a user has spent on your store.


Award Badges

Award badges every time your users complete steps, reach a specific rank, or achieve an objective.

Badge Editor

Edit a default badge or create a new one with customization options for appearance, title, and design.

Badge Level

Badge levels allow your users to earn a badge multiple times but under different requirements each time.

Badge Image

The add-on will show default badge images in full size but the sizes can be adjusted via CSS styling.

Open Badge Features:

Create professional-looking badge/point/rank; Add badge details (name, achievement, website details, etc.); Badge recognition and validation through different badge verification websites; The [myCred badges list] shortcode gives you the ability to add search fields and filters for badges.


Issue badges for any combination of achievements; Detailed badge categorization; Industry-related

Badges Quick Edit

On the badges page, you will see a “Quick Edit” hyperlink that enables the admin to modify the information of any particular badge by using the quick edit option.

Badge Evidence Download Button

In the latest update, the admin can access Open Badges of any users on the website. The admin can also download any given badge images.

Template Tags

Badges (%badge_title% and %badge_image%) – Display users their new badge title and image in the outgoing email.


MyMahotsav launched its public beta version, some data/products are dummy data, for user testing only and can be edited/deleted without notice. Grand launch on 30th Mar, 25. Dismiss