Sell Content
Retain and expand your customer base by using myCred.

Sell Content
Built-in Addon
The myCred Sell Content add-on enables creators and publishers to sell access to their restricted content (posts/pages or custom post types) for myCred points. Once the content has been sold, it will be replaced by appropriate templates. On the other hand, post authors, administrators, and others who have paid for the restricted content will see it in its original and unaltered form.

Sell Selective Parts Only
You can sell parts of the content field instead of the entire thing.

Three Different Templates
Members, visitors, and people with insufficient funds will be shown 3 different templates.

Display Sales History
Show the list of content a given user has purchased over time.

Purchase Expiration
Purchase can last weeks, days, or even hours after which the user will lose their access.

Enable profit sharing, where a percentage of the sale is transferred to the content author.

Content Sale Count
Display the number of times a specific content has been sold to users over time.

Easy-to-use Shortcodes
Use a simple and predefined set of custom shortcodes to display count sales/buy count, history, and more.

Template Tags
Sell Content (%Price%) – This template tag returns the exact amount of points a user needs to purchase content.