Legends of Brihaspati Vrat

Planet Jupiter present in the solar system is the representative of Lord Brihaspati who is the Priest of Gods. Thursday is devoted to Jupiter and one can worship lord Brihaspati on this day. Lord Shiva blessed lord Brihaspati with place in the solar system, when Brihaspati as a sage appeased him. Jupiter is one mighty planet of solar system after sun and its position in astrology and horoscope of an individual can make or break one’s life. Jupiter astrologically signifies prosperity, knowledge, partnerships and children.

Legend Associated With Fasting On Thursday

Once upon a time there was a devoted king, whose wife was exactly opposite of his nature. Some fine day a sage visited their palace for collecting charity. In absence of king, queen asked the sage the method to get rid of money as she was fed up with charity. Sage suggested her to get up late on Thursday morning, not to clean kitchen before preparing meals, washing clothes and hair on Thursday and husband should shave on Thursday.


Queen followed the sage’s instructions, resulting in king losing his opulence day by day. There became money crunch and king had to go to neighbouring country to earn daily livelihood. He started selling cut wood from forest to the city. One fine day queen was left with no food so she sent her maid to get some food from her sister in the village nearby. Sister was busy in Brihaspatipooja on Thursday so she didn’t reply to the maid. Maid returned and told the situation that happened to her. Queen’s sister followed the maid and explained that it is not advised to speak while offering prayers to Lord Brihaspati else Lord would not be pleased. That day was Thursday itself and inspired by her sister, queen also started fasting on Thursday. She observed that with passage of time their wealth was restored.

Once king forgot to observe fast on Thursday and the very next day he was held in charges of stealing necklace of queen of the city. He was put behind bars for this. In his dream, lord Brihaspati appeared and told him the remedy to come out of jail. King kept fast on next Thursday and very next day he was released from jail as king got to know of the real culprit. When king returned to village he saw the changed conditions of his house and his wife too. He asked his wife about the dramatic change in their condition. Then she told the magic of keeping fast on Brihaspativar and pleasing lord Brihaspati. After that they started leading a healthy life

People with malefic Jupiter often suffer in life because of some health ailments, poor monetary conditions or incomplete education. These people should perform remedies to strengthen Jupiter to get back happiness in life.


Source: https://www.brihaspatipuja.org/legends-of-brihaspati-vrat.html

Last updated byJoy on 21 October 2022
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